Volunteer your Services

There are lots of ways you can volunteer to help out the committee who put on the Procession.

Become a committee member

The committee is short on members this year and we need all the help we can get. You don’t need to have any experience in running events, most of us have learnt on the job and more than happy to share the knowledge we’ve gained over the years. There’s lots of different things to get involved in from booking acts, helping with social media/website, overseeing the financials etc. If you think you can volunteer your services, then please contact bathgateprocessionsecretary@hotmail.com or come along to our next meeting – details are on Facebook

Volunteer to help at a specific event

Not everyone can commit to come to a meeting each month but you can still help us out on the run up to the Procession itself. We always need more people to help us set up the stage, put up fencing, marshal on the day etc. If you think you can lend a hand over festival fortnight and procession day, even if its just for one of the events, we would love to hear from you on bathgateprocessionsecretary@hotmail.com

Help us with door to door collection or magazine delivery

Each year we undertake door 2 door collections as well as delivering the programme of events. If you live in an area that hasn’t had it yet or doesn’t normally get it and would like to help distribute it, please contact our secretary bathgateprocessionsecretary@hotmail.com